

Research papers

Sanchez-Cid C., Guironnet A., Keuschnig C., Wiest L., Vulliet E., Vogel T. M.

Gentamicin at sub-inhibitory concentrations selects for antibiotic resistance in the environment.

ISME Communications. 2 (1): 29, 2022

doi: 10.1038/s43705-022-00101-y


Garcia-Pedemonte D., Carcereny A., Gregori J., Quer J., Garcia-Cehic D., Guerrero L., Ceretó-Massagué A., Abid I., Bosch A., Costafreda M. I.,
Pintó R. M., Guix S.

Comparison of nanopore and synthesis-based next-generation sequencing platforms for SARS-CoV-2 variant monitoring in wastewater.

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24 (24): 17184, 2023

doi: 10.3390/ijms242417184.


Mattei M., Pinto R. M., Guix S., Bosch A., Arenas A.

Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater for prevalence estimation and investigating clinical diagnostic test biases

Water Res. 242, 120223, 2023

doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120223.


Nhantumbo C., Vaz C., Rodrigues M., Manuel C., Rapulua S., Langa J., Nhantumbo H., Sumbana J., Santos R., Monteiro S., Juízo D.

Assessment of microbial contamination in the Infulene River basin, Mozambique

Water, 2023

doi: 10.3390/w15020219.


Pires J., Santos R., Monteiro S.

Antibiotic resistance genes in bacteriophages from wastewater treatment plant and hospital wastewaters.

Sci. Total Environ. 892: 164708, 2023

doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164708.


Robalo A., Brandão J., Shibata T., Solo-Gabriele H., Santos R., Monteiro S.

Detection of enteric viruses and SARS-CoV-2 in beach sand.

Sci. Total Environ. 901: 16836, 2023

doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165836


Sanchez-Cid C., Ghaly T., Gillings M., Vogel T. M.

Sub-inhibitory gentamicin pollution induces gentamicin resistance gene integration in class 1 integrons in the environment.

Sci. Report 13 (1): 8612, 2023

doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-35074-y.


Abaasa C. N., Stange C., Ayesiga S., Mulogo E. M., Rogers K., Lejju J. B., Andama M., Tamwesigire I. K., Bazira J., Byarugaba F., Tiehm A.

Antibiotic resistance of E. coli isolates from different water sources in Mbarara, Uganda.

J. Water Health, 2023

doi: 10.2166/wh.2024.319.


Joannard B., Sanchez-Cid C.

Bacterial dynamics of the plastisphere microbiome exposed to sub-lethal antibiotic pollution

Microbiome 12: 97, 2024

doi: 10.1186/s40168-024-01803-2.


Monteiro S., Pimenta R., Nunes F., Cunha M. V., Santos R.

Detection of dengue virus and chikungunya virus in wastewater in Portugal: an exploratory surveillance study.

The Lancet Microbe, 2024

doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(24)00150-2


Monteiro S., Nhantumbo C., Santos R.
Environmental surveillance of vectorborne diseases in a non-sewered system: a case study in Mozambique.
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 945, 2024

Booklet of Methods

A harmonization of sampling and sample handling is critical in order to obtain comparable data. During the first project phase of the SARA project, the procedures used by all partners were harmonized. This includes the cultural detection of faecal indicator bacteria, bacteriophages and ESBL E. coli as indicator for ARB. The harmonization of methods also includes the sample preparation for molecular biological analyses. The book of methods includes details of all harmonized methods.

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Claudia Stange, Johnnes Ho, Concepcion Sanchez-Cid, Edgar Mulogo, Abidelfatah Nasser, Clemencio Nhantumbo, Silvia Monteiro, Magnus Simonsson, Anicet R. Blanch, Timothy M. Vogel, Andreas Tiehm: WBE and Environmental Monitoring of Antimicrobial Resistance in Europe and Africa, GLOWACON Conference 2023

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Policy brief / Project summary

Surveillance of Emerging Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistances in Aquatic Ecosystems, November 2024

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As part of the SARA project to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Africa, partners at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique have produced videos to raise awareness of the problem and help people understand the background to the project. Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the most pressing public health issues we face today. We can all play a part in tackling this global threat.

Video: Surveillance of Emerging Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistances in Aquatic Ecosystems

Video: Awareness Campaign about the use of antibiotics

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